Just Children Participates In Keystone STARS
Keystone STARS (Standards, Training/Professional Development, Assistance, Resources) provides families with a tool to gauge the quality of early learning programs. The STARS program supports early learning programs in the commitment to continuous quality improvement. Programs that participate in Keystone STARS care about providing quality early learning for your child. As programs move up the STARS ladder, they are providing even higher quality experiences, so your child benefits even more from the program. Early learning programs can earn a STAR 1 to a STAR 4 level. At each level, programs have to meet certain research-based quality standards that measure four areas that make a difference in the quality of care your child receives:
- Staff Education
- Learning Environment
- Leadership Management
- Family and Community Partnerships
As a program moves from STAR 1 to STAR 4, the requirements in these areas increase.
At a Keystone STARS Program you should find:
- Department of Human Services Certificate of Compliance for child care centers and group homes or Centers of Registration for family care homes.
- A comfortable place where your child can explore and learn.
- Laughing, reading and talking which builds language skills.
- Teachers learning new ways to help your child thrive.
- A safe, healthy and exciting place.
- Music, art, science and play activities that increase school readiness.
- Your child feeling good about himself or herself.
- Families involved in the program and their child development.
- Teachers that listen to children and parents.
- Children having fun together and being respectful of each other.
Just Children Child Care Centers are proud to be a part of the Keystone Stars program!