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A group of children sitting on a bench in Laurel, NJ, enjoying a sunny day together.

Educational and Fun Field Trips

Some of the most rewarding experiences children have in school and after-school programs are field trips. Since Just Children is located near Philadelphia, there are a wealth of places for field trip activities, within easy reach of our centers. Here, we offer some fun field trip ideas that are sure to be not only exciting for children but also educational.

Ideas for Field Trips

Field trips broaden students’ horizons, but it can get expensive, carting groups of children to off-site locations. Fortunately, there are plenty of fun field trips in the area that are free. Our list of field trip places is by no means comprehensive, but it should be helpful when you are trying to make plans, and it contains several free and low cost field trips.

Benjamin Franklin Museum

Free for school groups, this is a place where children learn about Benjamin Franklin’s life through hands-on displays, artifacts, and computer animations.

Fireman’s Hall Museum

Located in the historic Old City district of Philadelphia, Fireman’s Hall Museum offers children a look at fire-fighting tools, uniforms, fire marks and apparatus, in a restored, historical firehouse.

Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial Sculpture Garden

Three terraces and 17 sculptures along the Schuylkill River await adventuring students, and this is the perfect place to learn about different plant and flower species.

Independence Hall

In the building where the Founding Fathers created the nation, students get a chance to learn about history on a free tour.

Pennsylvania Hospital Physic Garden

Teaching your students about the history of medicine and how to preserve the environment can be done in a hands-on environment, where students get to experience a short tour through the garden and hospital and even use a pestle and mortar.

Awbury Arboretum

Children from preschool through middle school will love learning about the animals living in the pond at the Awbury Arboretum, with hands-on opportunities to learn about macro-invertebrates, birds, and amphibians, as well as pollution, native and non-naïve plants and animals, and watersheds. This isn’t a free program, but it only costs $6 per person, requiring a minimum of 10 students.

The Franklin Institute

Field trips to the Franklin Institute give children the opportunity to learn about science and technology, with interactive activities. Students can stroll through the Giant Heart to learn about heart health, explore the night sky at the Fels Planetarium,  and explore  wealth of both permanent and temporary displays.

The Academy of Natural Sciences

In a 35 minute lesson designed to meet state and national standards, students are exposed to the glories of dinosaurs, butterflies, and more animals. There are self-guided lessons, but there is also hands-on programming, in which kids get to see live animals, learn about evolution, and explore fossils.

Wagner Free Institute of Science

Recommended for students second grade and above, a visit to the Wagner Free Institute of Science provides hands-on lessons about the mysterious creatures in our vast oceans. Underwater life, rocks and formations, dinosaurs, fossils, and food chains are all part of what kids will learn in this 90 minute field trip.

Museum of Illusions Philadelphia

This unique “edutainment” destination teaches children about vision, perception and science. Students will learn about vision, perception, and science as they’re challenged to see the world differently and gain knowledge of how our brains interpret reality. It’s very interesting and educational, but it’s also really fun, and offers the chance to take great photos.

Adventure Aquarium

This aquarium in Camden, New Jersey offers school groups the opportunity to experience one-of-a-kind exhibits with sharks, hippopotamuses, penguins, and more. Field trips can be enhanced with an add-on classroom, lunch options, and a 3D double feature in the theater.

Philadelphia Zoo

What school group wouldn’t love a field trip to the nation’s first zoo? The Philadelphia Zoo has a 42-acre living classroom where lessons come to life, students’ curiosity is sparked, and kids are connected to the wonders of wildlife. They’ll see giraffes, lemurs, frogs, and so much more, while learning and having fun.

Children Learn, Grow, and Have Adventures at Just Children

When you’re looking for high quality childcare and the opportunity for your children to have fun adventures, trust Just Children to care for your little ones. Founded in 1983, our family-owned, fully-licensed centers provide a unique learning environment where we help children build the skills they need to succeed in life. Our year-round programs in Bucks County, Philadelphia, and New Jersey are convenient for working parents, and we design every program with age-appropriate activities that allow kids to learn, grow, and explore. We’re dedicated to creating a worry-free experience for parents while enriching the lives of children and providing a safe, nurturing environment with the highest standards of care, creativity, and learning. Visit our website to find a location convenient to you, or contact us to ask questions or schedule a tour.

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